Prince Albert District Planning Commission
Planning and zoning is regulated within the municipality by the RM of Buckland Zoning Bylaw and Development Plan.
The Rural Municipality of Buckland is a member of the Prince Albert District Planning Commission. Other members include the Rural Municipality of Prince Albert and the City of Prince Albert. The Planning Commission was formed in 1956 to promote a regional approach to agriculture, commercial and residential development, and has been a model for others throughout the province. The Planning Commission is an advisory body and provides planning expertise to the member councils.
All new construction within the municipality requires both a Development Permit and Building Permit.
The Development Permit allows the Planning Officer to ensure that the new development meets all requirements for the zoning district in which the development will occur. Fees are as follow: Permitted Use – $100.00; Discretionary Use – $150.00. Every applicant for a building permit shall pay a fee of $50.00 plus $4.50 for every $1,000.00 estimated value of construction in excess of $10,000.00. The estimated value of the construction of the building will be calculated by the Building Inspector.
Farm buildings which include barns, sheds, granaries do not require a building permit. We do ask that a development permit be submitted for farm buildings in order to ensure that they meet the setback requirements of the Zoning Bylaws.
Farm dwellings DO require a building permit.
Please ensure that Development Permits and Building Permits are issued before any construction begins. For further information please contact the Planning Officer at 306-764-2751.
Building Permits, detached garage and deck fillable work sheets can be downloaded from the links below or picked up from the Municipal Office or directly from the Planning Officer.
Building Permit Application – FILLABLE
Detached Garage Worksheet – FILLABLE
The Prince Albert District Planning Commission recently underwent a complete review of the District Development Plan and the Zoning Bylaw. See the links below.
Did you know? A Building Permit is valid for a year from the date of issue. This means that construction must commence within the year (not be completed within a year) There is no cost for an extension which can be obtained by contacting the Planning Commission at 306-764-2751.